frequently asked questions
Do you have a physical store?
The Cat’s Meow Quilt Shop is an online store only. We do not have a traditional brick & mortar store. If there is anything we can do to make your shopping experience online better - let us know.
Where’s my order?
All our shipments include a tracking code, so please check your email and click on the tracking link inside the shipping confirmation that we sent you. If it appears that it has been delivered and you have not received the shipment, please contact your local post office.
Where do you ship from?
We are headquartered in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
What payment options do you support on your website?
We accept all major credit and debit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. We also accept online payments from Paypal. Interested in paying by check, simply send us an email and we will work with you to get your order placed.